It is a great opportunity to announce that between 10-12 February 2018 will be held in Krakow, Poland the 2-nd edition of the Europeean Conference on Design, Modelling and Optimisation - what are organised by University Politehnica of Bucharest together with International Journal on Modelling and Optimization IJMO- from Singapore.


2018 European Conference on Design, Modeling and Optimization is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of design, modeling and optimization. The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Design Modeling
Machine Design
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Process Design
Parameter Design
Applied Mathematics
Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network and Fuzzy Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Civil Engineering
Coding and Cryptography
Communications and Networking
Computer Engineering
Control Engineering
Computational Economics and Management Science
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Engineering Systems Management
Environmental Science and Engineering
Mathematical and Computational Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Methods and Data Analysis
Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Statistics and Probability 



Publication Options

Option 1Publication in Proceedings. Submissions will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be published in proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, etc.

Option 2: Publication in Journal. Submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees and journal editorial board, and accepted papers will be published in the International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, which will be indexed by Engineering & Technology Digital Library, ProQuest, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, DOAJ, Google Scholar, EI (INSPEC, IET), etc.

Option 3: For those  who're NOT looking to publish their papers, it's acceptable to submit your abstracts to the conference, which will be sent to at least two techinical committees for a brief review, and it will take about 5 working days.

Please follow the format when preparing your paper. Papers should be with at least 4 pages. 

For option 1, please use Paper Template (.doc)
For option 2. please use 
IJMO Template (.doc)
For option 3. please use 
Abstract Template; (.doc)

Submission Deadline: September 20, 2017

Paper Page Limit

Publication in Proceedings: 5 pages, including all figures, tables, and references, Extra pages may be charged at 50 USD per page.
Publication in Journal: NO charges for extra pages.